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Support Club Member Jason this November!

Support Club Member Jason this November!

Jon Mayo6 Nov 2023 - 15:27
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Raising money and awareness on World Pancreatic Awareness Day

November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month and Club member, volunteer and well known local umpire Jason P Belcher has a very personal connection to this cause...

Please support Jason if you can!

Jasons’ Cycling Challenge - 16 November 2023
Raising Awareness & Funds for Pancreatic Cancer UK
In Memory of Marjorie Belcher

As you may well be aware on 22 February 2021 my life and that of my family changed forever, when my Mum passed away from Pancreatic Cancer, after being diagnosed with this terminal illness in November 2020.

November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month and I’m fundraising to help drive research breakthroughs that could save lives. Pancreatic cancer has been left behind. Survival rates have improved enormously for most cancers. Sadly, for pancreatic cancer, this is not the case. Currently, more than half of people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer die within 3 months, just like my Mum. This is unacceptable.

Cycling was my release when I was caring for Mum, with the support of my family. Therefore, on 16 November 2023 (World Pancreatic Awareness Day #WPCD) I am undertaking a cycling challenge with Jason Smith, a school friend.

Mum liked her cricket so during the day we will be cycling around North Somerset Youth Cricket League 2023 playing clubs (Around 100 Miles) followed by 24 laps of the Grand Pier in our hometown of Weston-super-Mare, who are lighting up purple as part of the #purplelights campaign

Please support us and my fundraising, here's a link to my page

Alternatively, you can raise awareness by wearing something Purple or join us for part of the challenge!

Thanks for taking the time to read this and your support.

Jason P Belcher

Further reading